Regulatory Disclamier

It is important you read this disclaimer page. Please read the following terms describing important legal, regulatory, and risk information about material contained in this website which Byrne O’Byrne Accounting & Tax Advisors Limited may, without notice, change. By accessing this website, you agree to be bound by these terms. If you do not agree to these terms, you should refrain from using the website. Byrne O’Byrne Accounting & Tax Advisors Limited has designed this information page to prevent unsuitable categories of users from accessing the website and to prevent the improper use of website materials. Through this disclaimer, Byrne O’Byrne Accounting & Tax Advisors Limited cannot be responsible for any misrepresentations you may make in order to gain access to restricted parts of this website.

About this website and Byrne O’Byrne Accounting & Tax Advisors Limited
This website is owned, maintained, operated and communicated by: Byrne O’Byrne Accounting & Tax Advisors Limited, 222-224 Harold’s Cross Road, Dublin 6W. Marketing restrictions The distribution of the information on this website may be restricted by law in certain countries. This website and the information on it is not addressed to any person resident in the territory or country or jurisdiction where such distribution would be contrary to local law or regulation. Byrne O’Byrne Accounting & Tax Advisors Limited disclaims all responsibility if you access or download any information from this website in breach of any law or regulation in the country of which you are a citizen or in which you are residing or domiciled.

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Byrne O’Byrne Accounting & Tax Advisors Limited has taken reasonable care to ensure that the information on this website is accurate, current, complete, fit for its intended purpose and compliant with applicable law and regulation as at the date of issue. However, errors or omissions may occur due to circumstances beyond Byrne O’Byrne Accounting & Tax Advisors Limited’s control and no warranty is given, or representation made, regarding the accuracy, validity or completeness of the information on this website and no liability is accepted by such persons for the accuracy or completeness of such information. You must conduct your own due diligence and investigations rather than relying on any information in this website. Any person who acts upon, or changes his or her information technology position in reliance on, the information contained on this website does so entirely at his or her own risk.

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No warranty is given that the contents of this website are compatible with all computer systems or browsers or that this website shall be available on an uninterrupted basis. Byrne O’Byrne Accounting & Tax Advisors Limited does not accept any liability for any damages or losses arising from changes or alterations made to this website by unauthorised third parties.

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Byrne O’Byrne Accounting & Tax Advisors Limited reserves the right to suspend or withdraw access to any page(s) included on this website without notice at any time and accepts no liability if, for any reason, these pages are unavailable at any time or for any period.

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The copyright and all other rights in the material contained in this website are owned by Byrne O’Byrne Accounting & Tax Advisors Limited, except for materials that have been included with the permission of others who own their applicable copyrights. You may download or print individual sections of this website for your personal use and information only, provided that you retain all copyright and other proprietary notices. You may not reproduce (in whole or in part), transmit (by electronic means or otherwise), publish, modify, or link into or otherwise use the website for any public or commercial purpose without our prior written consent. You must not transmit any virus, “worm”, “Trojan Horse”, or other item of a destructive nature to this website and it is your responsibility to ensure that whatever you download or select for your use from this website is free from such items. Nothing on this website should be construed as granting any licence or right in relation to any of our trademarks. All trademarks, service marks, company names or logos are the property of their respective holders. The display of any trade names or trademarks on the website does not imply that any licence has been granted to any third party in respect of the same. Any use by you of these marks, names and/or logos may constitute an infringement of the holders’ rights.

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Nothing on this website should be construed as granting any licence or right in relation to any of our trademarks or those of our affiliated companies. All trademarks, service marks, company names or logos are the property of their respective holders. The display of any trade names or trademarks on the website does not imply that any licence has been granted to any third party in respect of the same. Any use by you of these marks, names and/or logos may constitute an infringement of the holders’ rights.

Contact us
If you have any enquiries in relation to this disclaimer/website or the information on it, please contact Byrne O’Byrne Accounting & Tax Advisors Limited at generaldataprotection@[domain address].ie or by calling +353 1 497 9764.